48 hours and counting...


Ready for VIBE/ICBG 2024?


This year, we’ve received over 70 abstracts. We’re very happy to be able to host over 30 talks, with speakers coming from as far as California, and as close as the 2nd floor of our venue! The spread of topics is even wider, with presentations on the sea floor and even spaaaace!!! Take a look at our schedule to plan your day. You can also download it, or add it directly to your Google Calendar for the freshest updates.

We also have a tonne of posters, so make sure to check those out during our two poster sessions. All posters will be up for both days, but if you would like to find the author of your favourite poster, look for them by their poster on the correct day: odd-numbered posters on Thursday, even-numbered posters on Friday. You can find each poster’s number in our abstract book. Speaking of which…

Abstract Book

We’re currently finalising the abstract book, so keep an eye on Twitter, X, LinkedIn, or even AM radio for when we post it. Great job on those abstracts, by the way! There were some definite stand-outs, and definitely nobody used generative AI.



But seriously, great job all around, we really enjoyed reading about your latest research efforts! We have a couple of prizes to give away, so your hard work may just pay off…


Don’t forget that we’re having a social gathering at the university bar Sult on Thursday evening after the conference for those of you who purchased a ticket. It’s going to be a great time! We don’t have anything scheduled for Friday night, but the Galway Christmas Market is right around the corner, so go check it out afterwards before you head out of Galway!


None of this would be possible without the generosity of our sponsors:

  • Science Foundation Ireland and the Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science
  • The University of Galway’s Office of the Deputy President and Registrar
  • CloudCIX
  • Genseq
  • Novogene

As in past years, we will have a sponsor passport, which you can get signed at the sponsor booths for a chance to win a prize!

Contact Us

As always, feel free to reach out to us with questions via email at info@vibe-icbg.com, Twitter, or LinkedIn.